Know & Do Ninja training draws on the fields of social & emotional learning, traditional Martial Arts, gymnastics & interval training to give your child a great workout for their mind & body. Ages 7 - 11.

Know & Do Ninja Training offers:

  • Physical wellness
  • Improved self - defense
  • Confidence
  • Social-emotional health
  • FUN & quick classes led by young Instructors
  • Ease - no equipment necessary. Can be performed in a small space

Know & Do Ninja encourages you to take the principles you learn on the mat into the rest of your life. What could you do with more self-knowledge, courage, discipline and a healthier body?

~Krista F.

“Winners never quit, quitters never win.”
- Napoleon Hill

"Be clear about your goal but be flexible about the process of achieving it."
- Brian Tracey

"“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” - Bruce Lee